Release Note: 23.07 - July 31, 2023

Now available β˜‘οΈ

Release Notes Overview:

  • At 5centsCDN, innovation drives us, ensuring optimal solutions for our customers. Our product lifecycle management is dynamic, aligning with customer needs, market trends, and technological progress.

Product Updates/Announcements:
Retiring Adaptive Image Compression in Enterprise +

  • The same functionality for Adaptive Image Compression and much more is now available under Image Optimization. Hence, we advise the customers to use the Image Optimizer for the same functionality.

Ready, Set, Deliver!

  • Get notified when AAP (Application & API Protection) resources gets enabled on Akamai production via email.

Speedy CDN Control

  • Your time matters: Our optimized CDN Dashboard loads faster, streamlining your content management experience like never before.

Security Level Up

  • Upgrade your Livestreaming with advanced security - introducing the Livestream Secure Token feature in our Standard Plan.

User impact:

  • Hooray! No user impact in this update πŸ˜€


  • Reach out to our 24x7 Live Chat customer service team for assistance. For questions, concerns, or comments, please email our support team atΒ

11 months ago

Rizwan changed status to Now available β˜‘οΈ

11 months ago

πŸ†• Upgrades