Release Notes Overview
New updates:
Introducing CriticalBackup, a cloud backup tool designed to protect your content in the event of accidental deletion, or deletion for XYZ reasons. Now that's all taken care of, you don't have to worry about it. Backing up your data on our cloud storage to your 3rd party storage provider is easy! Those who have enrolled in the Beta program can access Critical Backup.
Pricing Update - Live Transcoding now bills by minutes. You don't need to pay more when you can only pay for the minutes you use.
Changes/Bugs update:
Video Encoding - We have improved the UI/UX of the Active/Past Encoding Jobs. View detailed statistics on encoding jobs such as Encoder Details, Source Details, Output Details, and the encoding timeline.
SuperEncoder - Improve the quality of your encoding with our latest optimizations and upgraded version of FFMPEG.
Live Transcoder - Encode with the latest optimizations and FFFMPEG 6.0 for faster encoding.
Multistreaming and Live Transcoding backends have been upgraded to fully cloud-based systems.
User impact:
Additional notes:
1 year ago
1 year ago