Release Note: 22.04 - Apr 30, 2022

Now available ☑️
  • VideoPlayer & Analytics API
  • SimpleDNS API
  • CDN Logs API – Premium Plan Only
  • VTT Thumbnails for VoD
[User deleted]

2 years ago

my web

Hi, i use bunnynet for my website and found your service, do you offer assistance migration=

0    10 months ago    Reply

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Hey 👋🏼

Yes, we can easily help you with the migration of your website. Please reach out to the support team & they'll do the needful 🤩


0    10 months ago    Reply

Comment must be at least 20 characters.

Be respectful: Make sure to keep your comments respectful and constructive. Comments that are abusive, offensive, or irrelevant will not be tolerated.

Stay on topic: Comments should be relevant to the feature request/suggestion being discussed. Off-topic comments may be removed.

No spam: Comments that are purely promotional or spammy will not be allowed.

No personal information: You should not share any personal information in their comments, such as phone numbers or email addresses.

[User deleted] changed status to Now available ☑️

2 years ago

🆕 Upgrades